Friday, December 29, 2006
I didn't exactly get hit by a truck, but it feels most like it. I'm recovering from an oral surgery and it isn't going as well as I thought it would. My cheek is all puffed up as if I lost on a kickboxing match yesterday :( There's pain, and my body ain't taking it really well. Si**. Okie, I hope I'll feel better the next time I blog. Tata.
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
To my dear friends,
Here's wishing you a Merry lil' Christmas as we reflect on God's greatest gift to us through Christ.
Here's wishing you a Merry lil' Christmas as we reflect on God's greatest gift to us through Christ.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Dalia Oh Dalia...

It's funny that you would spend so much time with a person in your life. To think about it, it was six hours a day, five days a week for two years that we sat one feet away learning additional mathematics with Mrs Soo (whom we absolutely adore), PE with Cik Foo, Science with Mrs. Leong and others subjects together. I miss our 5KA classmates, the cili padi Udi and Irfana in front, DK sleeping during Accounting class but without fail getting the highest mark for it. Then there's the dedara gang, and it's always filled with love gossips for sure...more so with Dhalia's guy or Thaju's Ah Boy. Oh, then there's Liyana whom we've always thought would be the first to get married coz she's the homey and domesticated kind (but boy, how wrong were we!) and the pretty Nisa. Ah, those were the young carefree days when all we did was just hangout and talk!
So anyways, this post is dedicated to my good friend Dalia coz we were talking on MSN for two hours today and she told me a SECRET! Shush...yes, a secret! So don't go telling anyone else, but there may be an engagement party in 2008 (I did warn everyone to give me notice a year in advance so I can make it to special occasions as such) and I am sooooooooooooo EXCITED and happy for her! Dalia, make sure you start drawing the two baju kebayas and find the kain so I can tailor make it when I come back k! I really hope this will work out lah, and am so excited that one of my best friends is getting married (ok, aside from Lina...but that is five years away!). Actually I am beginning to feel that woah, I'm at that age where I'll be attending weddings to come in the next 20 years. Yikes, that makes me feel kinda old...
Newayz Dals...I'm glad things are working out, and really, I don't think I need to convince you that you're really artsy and gifted, so don't go wasting those away k. I'm pretty sure one day you'll be successful in the advertising/marketing line :) I can't wait to see our 5KA friends again on our 10th Anniversary (which I promised to organize as Secretary) in five years time! Woah, how fast time has flown by! You're gona have two kids by then! Hahahah!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Sledding oh yeah
My small group had our Christmas Party today after finishing the last of our brutal exams yesterday! We went to a Thai buffet for lunch then adjourned to Joliane's home. She has such a beautiful home and it was so nice meeting her family. We made soaps (yes you did not hear me wrongly) and it was so cool and hey, artsy! I'll post other pics tomorrow, but yeah, this post is about sledding! After making soaps and doing a gift exchange, we went to the Island to tabaggon. It was soooo much fun, actually only my second time sledding but yeah, we were like kids screaming down the hill before we stop short of running down the hill to a frozen lake at the bottom! Good times oh yeah, though my knee cap hurts now after being thrown off the tabaggon a few times...*ouch*

Navs Christmas Party
Okay, so this is two weeks late, but we had an awesome Christmas Celebration. As usual we had a traditional turkey dinner with the works though it was quite a multinational cuisine this time with Wai Han's famous 'lo mai kai' which tasted soooo good, and Mihee's Korean dish amongst other special goodies. Our lil 'orchestra' of two played us christmas carols while we sang along. It was followed by a Yankee Gift Swap with lotsa stealing of gifts n stuff. Oh, and I saved a guy from bringing home a seven-day body wash heroic is that?!?!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006
To my dear friend Voon:

"Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!"
Revelations 21:3-5
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Exams, don't you just love 'em?
Final exam starts this week. I seriously think I'm gona fail (*cry*)...and this time is for real!! Maybe coz it's my last year, I haven't had much motivation to study and it's REAL BAD!!! Please pray for me!
Exam Schedule:
Tues, Dec 12th, 2pm : BLAW 402
Wed, Dec 13th, 9am : FIN 442
Fri, Dec 15th, 9am : BUEC 479
Tues, Dec 19th, 9am : BLAW 444
Tues, Dec 19th, 2pm : Econ 211
Please pray hard for me while I try (yes, try) to study smart :p
Exam Schedule:
Tues, Dec 12th, 2pm : BLAW 402
Wed, Dec 13th, 9am : FIN 442
Fri, Dec 15th, 9am : BUEC 479
Tues, Dec 19th, 9am : BLAW 444
Tues, Dec 19th, 2pm : Econ 211
Please pray hard for me while I try (yes, try) to study smart :p
Thursday, December 07, 2006
I'll Worship at Your Throne
Whisper my own love song
With all my heart I'll sing
For You my Dad and King
I'll live for all my days
To Put a smile on Your face
And when we finally meet
It'll be for eternity
And Oh how wide You open up Your arms
When I need Your love
And how far You would come
If ever I was lost
And You said that all You feel for me
Is undying love
That You showed me through the cross
I'll worship You my God
I'll worship You my God
I love You
I love You
Forever I will sing
Forever I will be with You
Be with You
United Live
Best Friend CD
Whisper my own love song
With all my heart I'll sing
For You my Dad and King
I'll live for all my days
To Put a smile on Your face
And when we finally meet
It'll be for eternity
And Oh how wide You open up Your arms
When I need Your love
And how far You would come
If ever I was lost
And You said that all You feel for me
Is undying love
That You showed me through the cross
I'll worship You my God
I'll worship You my God
I love You
I love You
Forever I will sing
Forever I will be with You
Be with You
United Live
Best Friend CD
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
My Last Fall Semester!

It was lots of fun, and I wished we didn't have such crumbly snow then we could make a snowman in the quad!! My last day of fall sem, pretty memorable for sure!

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Rindu Akan Rumah Allah
Betapa indahnya Rumah-Mu,
Ya Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa!
Aku ingin sangat berdiam di sana.
Aku sangat rindu tinggal di
Rumah Tuhan,
Dengan sepenuh hati,
Aku bernyayi dengan gembira
Kepada Allah yang hidup
Bahkan burung pipit pun
membuat sarang,
Dan burung layang-layang
Mempunyai tempat kediaman;
Anak-anak burung diletakkan
Dekat mazbah-Mu,
Ya Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa,
Rajaku dan Allahku.
Betapa bahagiannya mereka yang
Tinggal di Rumah-Mu,
Mereka sentiasa menyanyikan
Pujian kepada-Mu!
Berbahagialah mereka yang
Mendapat kekuatan daripada-Mu,
Dan yang berhasrat menziarahi
Bukit Zion.
Sedang mereka melalui lembah
Baka yang kering.
Lembah itu pun menjadi tempat
Yang bermata air;
Hujan awal memenuhi
Kekuatan mereka semakin bertambah;
Mereka akan menghadap Allah
Di Bukit Zion.
Dengarlah doaku, ya Tuhan
Allah Yang Maha Kuasa;
Dengarlah, ya Allah Yakub.
Berkatilah raja kami, ya Allah,
Raja yang telah Engkau pilih!
Lebih baik sehari di dalam
Daripada seribu hari di
Tempat lain;
Aku lebih gemar berdiri di pintu
Rumah Allahku
Daripada tinggal di rumah
Orang jahat.
Tuhan pelindung dan raja mulia
Dia memberkati kita dengan
Kebaikan dan kehormatan.
Dia tidak menahan apa-apa yang
Daripada mereka yang hidup
Tidak bercela.
Berbahagialah mereka yang
Percaya kepada-Mu.
Ya Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa!
Mazmur 84/Psalms 84
Al-Kitab Berita Baik
Ya Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa!
Aku ingin sangat berdiam di sana.
Aku sangat rindu tinggal di
Rumah Tuhan,
Dengan sepenuh hati,
Aku bernyayi dengan gembira
Kepada Allah yang hidup
Bahkan burung pipit pun
membuat sarang,
Dan burung layang-layang
Mempunyai tempat kediaman;
Anak-anak burung diletakkan
Dekat mazbah-Mu,
Ya Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa,
Rajaku dan Allahku.
Betapa bahagiannya mereka yang
Tinggal di Rumah-Mu,
Mereka sentiasa menyanyikan
Pujian kepada-Mu!
Berbahagialah mereka yang
Mendapat kekuatan daripada-Mu,
Dan yang berhasrat menziarahi
Bukit Zion.
Sedang mereka melalui lembah
Baka yang kering.
Lembah itu pun menjadi tempat
Yang bermata air;
Hujan awal memenuhi
Kekuatan mereka semakin bertambah;
Mereka akan menghadap Allah
Di Bukit Zion.
Dengarlah doaku, ya Tuhan
Allah Yang Maha Kuasa;
Dengarlah, ya Allah Yakub.
Berkatilah raja kami, ya Allah,
Raja yang telah Engkau pilih!
Lebih baik sehari di dalam
Daripada seribu hari di
Tempat lain;
Aku lebih gemar berdiri di pintu
Rumah Allahku
Daripada tinggal di rumah
Orang jahat.
Tuhan pelindung dan raja mulia
Dia memberkati kita dengan
Kebaikan dan kehormatan.
Dia tidak menahan apa-apa yang
Daripada mereka yang hidup
Tidak bercela.
Berbahagialah mereka yang
Percaya kepada-Mu.
Ya Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa!
Mazmur 84/Psalms 84
Al-Kitab Berita Baik