Thursday, December 14, 2006

Question of the day:

What do you do when you fall asleep studying?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually end up waking up a couple minutes later freaked out that I fell asleep, so I quickly set my alarm on my cell phone to the nearest 30 minute mark, or the nearest hour (whichever is shorter), and take a very quick power nap. I psychologically convince myself, that if I "reward" myself with a quick power nap now, then the "consequence" is a more concentrated study time after the nap as to finish going through my notes.

Sounds kinda crazy, but it seems to work...

2:42 PM  
Blogger Grace said...


Well, sorry, my bad. I didn't mean fall asleep per se...but more like really really gona fall asleep while studying! But yeah, I do what ya do sometimes. Other things I do is take a shower to wake myself up or make myself a cup of Milo (Asian hot chocolate). But today, nothing is working!!!

Hui Chuan,

Duh!!!!!!! I didn't know you have such a sense of humour dude...

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! just speaking from experience...

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sleep la, duh.

If you're talking about how to prevent yourselve from falling asleep.. I suggest taking coffee.. and during an emergency.. a shot of espresso

Taking a bath only makes it more comfortable after you dry up, enticing you to sleep.

And as for milo.. well.. if it's milo kosong.. then yeah.. should be okay.. but apparently milo makes you sleepy with it's dairy content. Milo is an Australian drink btw.. look it up on google.

12:06 PM  

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