Sledding oh yeah
My small group had our Christmas Party today after finishing the last of our brutal exams yesterday! We went to a Thai buffet for lunch then adjourned to Joliane's home. She has such a beautiful home and it was so nice meeting her family. We made soaps (yes you did not hear me wrongly) and it was so cool and hey, artsy! I'll post other pics tomorrow, but yeah, this post is about sledding! After making soaps and doing a gift exchange, we went to the Island to tabaggon. It was soooo much fun, actually only my second time sledding but yeah, we were like kids screaming down the hill before we stop short of running down the hill to a frozen lake at the bottom! Good times oh yeah, though my knee cap hurts now after being thrown off the tabaggon a few times...*ouch*

Alamak! It looks so fun!! I feel sad I couldn't go!! All I did today was sit in a plane...
Hey Grace, my left butt cheek hurts, and mt left knee cap is navy blue!!!! But it was fun wasn't it? I just wish I wasn't so old, because I remember sledding when I was younger, and I would never hurt after sledding for hours, even after going over a huge bump...
Heyo Wai Han,
Hahaha, kinda sad lah we were in sleds while you were on the plane, hahaha! But look at the bright side, you're gona have tons of fun in US too! Merry Christmas my dear!
It was a wonderful time yes, but I woke up with a backpain and my ankle black and blue! But it was still well worth it! Are we still going skiing?!?
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