I'm tired.
It's cold here, and I think the cold can get to ya and make ya feel miserable sometimes. -39c really isn't all that fun when the wind is gripping into your bones and sucking the moist out of your skin.
Well, not to worry, I have not caught the winter bug yet (people often get depressed during winter due to a lack of sunlight and too much of the cold). But I really am quite tired. There is one more week left of the semester, and as the semester winds down, so are datelines. Currently editing my papers and finishing up an assignment before a midterm this Thursday (yeah, at the end of sem?!). School ends next Wednesday then final exams kicks in. Please pray for me, I hope I can survive till the very last paper. As it is, I am getting 6 1/2 hours of sleep and trying to get everything done and all. Getting to and fro from school takes exceedingly long because of bad traffic due to all that snow and ice-skating rink road. It's bad...a whole lot waste of time, but such is life...I can't do much about it because of decisions I have made. My often empty house is now occupied by my aunt who is back for a few weeks, and my niece who is living here temporarily. I am beginning to think that I may very well really really enjoy living on my own!! Woah, living again with others takes quite a bit of adaptation, especially dealing with the noise level!
God's been teaching me an awful lot lately, and I only wished I had all the time in the world to just sit by his feet and be in his presence. Preparing for the small group bible studies and personal studies with some girls are definitely teaching me lots :) Navs Leadership Bible Study has also been such a big great blessing to me as we uncover the treasure in the bible with such depth. It's awesome to be digging into the bible using some 'structured methods' before we interpret verses. Ahh, now I almost see the bible with a whole new perspective...but studying the bible that way now takes so much time and effort! Hmm, on another note two Sundays ago I went to Red Deer to listen to Nabeel Jabbour speak on the Muslim ministry. Meeting him again drew something out of me and it reminded me of how important muslims are in the eyes of God. Please join me in praying that they will come to experience the love of God. It's weird, sometimes I almost feel like all I want to do is just to serve God full time, but other days, not so because I have so many different interests in terms of career. Been thinking and praying a lot lately about the future -- after May, what happens? God willing, I hope to find a job here and undergo training with the Navigators in the short term. If not, ah, I wouldn't mind going back to Malaysia enjoying my roti canai and ramli burger :p Please pray for me too as I ask God for direction.