Friday, May 25, 2007

March for Life!

One of the highlights from my Ottawa trip was participating in a mass crowd protest. I was lucky enough to attend two rallies which cause I believe in, the first being an anti abortion protest/March for Life. It was an extremely unique experience for which I will never forget as the spirit of democracy was so alive there. You feel like you are a part of a movement, a part of a group with similar values and beliefs. You feel idealistic despite the fact that grassroots protest account for a small proportion of effect on legislators. You feel like there is hope for change.

Make Poverty History!

It was such a privilege to be in Ottawa participating in a Make Poverty History rally! Development Economics is one of my greatest passion in life and it was a momentous moment supporting the Make Poverty History cause in urging Prime Minister Harper to live up to Canada's commitment of devoting 0.7% GNP to the Millenium Development Goal to half poverty by 2015 and eradicate it completely by 2025. Indeed, Canada is a wealthy country and there is no excuses for not doing so. Canada can and should deliver on its promises.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Ottawa Scenery

Parliament Hill

Friday, May 18, 2007

It came back!

After traveling around the world for six days, my luggage finally decided to be good and come back to its owner. Air Canada told me yesterday that my luggage was on a plane home (presumely from Dublin) and would arrive in the afternoon. They sent it back to me late last night and it is a double blessing for my family to have arrived safely as well as my luggage!

Thank God :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I am back!

Hi Dudes,

I am back in Edmonton after spending the last two weeks in Ottawa for a Navigators Conference. The Conference has been most enjoyable, especially living with 20 other students from all across Canada. I am missing them already!

I will have to write more about it in another post with pictures because since Air Canada lost my luggage (again), so I can't upload the pictures without the camera specific USB. *sigh* Please pray that Air Canada will find and return my luggage...they may have tagged it wrongly on a plane to Dublin :(

How are YOU doing?