Make Poverty History!
It was such a privilege to be in Ottawa participating in a Make Poverty History rally! Development Economics is one of my greatest passion in life and it was a momentous moment supporting the Make Poverty History cause in urging Prime Minister Harper to live up to Canada's commitment of devoting 0.7% GNP to the Millenium Development Goal to half poverty by 2015 and eradicate it completely by 2025. Indeed, Canada is a wealthy country and there is no excuses for not doing so. Canada can and should deliver on its promises.

Hello Grace,
How have you been doing lately? You graduated, right? And if I'm not mistaken, you already has a job offering. If thats the case, when are you starting?
Future-up-coming economist! Keep it up.
Hey Athen,
I'm good, just busy :)
Yeah I graduated -- convocation June 13. I am taking up a job with Earth Water International starting June...I'm excited!
Economist...hmm, we'll see about that. Not too sure right now about furthering my studies but there is definitely a possibility of doing so...
How are things with ya?!
what were u doing in the march when u know that poverty will never be history?
This one wasn't a march but a formation of "0.7%" in front of Parliament.
Poverty may never be history, but we can do so much to improve the quality of life of the poorest of poor in the world.
The Millenium Development Goal (MDG) is not all about eradicating poverty, but it has 8 goals, including combating HIV/AIDS, empowering women, achieving universal primary education etc.
The 8 MDGs are:
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