Friday was a beautiful beautiful sunny day. I woke up feeling exuberant although slightly tired from exam the day before. It hit me that Friday morning in bed that I am DONE with University. Ok, not officially
done done since I still have one paper to hand in and two exams to write still. But seriously, I am going to be graduating and working in the real workforce -- like a real adult. Yeah, a REAL adult. How scary is that? In any case, I felt good on my last University day amidst the few meetings I had to attend. I am really excited to finish my exams, fly to Ottawa for a two weeks Navigators Conference then come back to Edmonton to start work. I have a good feeling about this new chapter of my life which will be starting real soon.
Oh, and no, I did not get intoxicated on my last day of school as Gen suggested I should. She thought it would be funny for me to come to Navs Party all drunk! I only had one drink -- just for the fun of it. Beer isn't so much my cup of tea...there are waaay better alcohol out there :p
i beg to differ. Beer is good!
No way...
Where can...
Beer doesn't even taste that good. Have you ever tried margaritas or icewine? They are sooo good!
u are obviously a fan of sweet liquor. whiskey and vodka better. :P
ok, then you obviously are a fan of dry dry liquor. But they feel so I don't know...DRY in your throat, almost like burning leh.
Ok, at least you're not just a fan of beer -- for a minute there I thought kiwiland only serves kiwi juice and beer :p
Congratulations on your graduation! Sorry for not visiting for such a butt-long of time. Work has been keeping me really busy.
So, Hope to see lots of pictures from you soon.
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