Thursday, January 03, 2008

Grace going half vegetarian?

Ya know, I didn't think that I would care so much about food. After all, I love my Ramli Burgers, Laksas, Ribs, Donairs (OH YUM!) and all. But, recently I've been slightly concerned about my food consumption. First of all, I am actually trying to be more I am watching what I eat and hoping that it is the right proportion. Really, I am not anal about it, but being inspired by my colleague Sarah who eats grass (oops, sorry, I mean salad) everyday...I kinda think that fruits and salad is pretty good for ya. I eat bad sometimes, but normally have quite a balanced diet. In any case, something caught my attention today and made a small impact in my life. I was a lil shocked after reading an article today on the world's increasing food prices This fact blew me away this morning:

"It takes an estimated seven kilogrammes of corn or soy just to produce one kilogramme of meat."

Isn't that something? All of those resources being wasted away, on a proportion of 7:1 to produce a kg of meat! Woah! And really, the article continues to say that as developing countries (especially China and India) demands more meat, the world will increasingly (and currently does) face food price increases. Demand and Supply. Yes, there you go. Well, I am sure as humans become smarter, technology (biotech perhaps) will be able to bring up supply to a nice good equilibrium with stable food prices. But until then, it is a lot of strain on the land and people's pockets. Lotsa big ramifications with world food prices on the rise.

Anyways, to cut the long story short, I am not gona be a vegetarian (well, at least not now) but will aim to reduce the strain on our land by eating more fruits and vegetables. I went to groceries today, and believe it or not, I only bought fruits and vegetables (ok, that is beside the fact that I still have frozen meat in my freezer). In any case, I am gona eat more healthily with a larger proportion on vegetables and fruits. (Ok, but I will be on a break on this half vegetarian diet in February as I will be back home in Malaysia with LOTSA YUMMY FOOD!!! CAN'T WAIT)

What about you? Any thoughts on how food consumption affects the environment, economies and people in the rest of the world?

Selamat Tahun Baru!

Happy New Year y'all. 2007 has flown by, and has brought us a new chapter in life: 2008. As much as 2008 is filled with uncertainties for me, I am actually slightly excited at the possibilities that 2008 will bring. 2008 will be one filled with new decisions for me. We will see where the road leads, and where the road eventually brings me to in life. I feel like I have something to look forward to. And that it may be a change in life, a small change if not a big one. I do hope whatever it is, I will be doing something exciting. I have yet to write a list of New Year's resolution. I have thought of a few, but thinking about the possibilities and hoping that life will be exciting this year, perhaps I should aim to live a life full of excitement this year. I think that is it -- I got it. My New Year's resolution: living life in excitement and on the edge. Radical. New. Fresh. Different. Plain, simple, yet exciting.