UN Global Youth Assembly!

I could hardly believe it when the news came that Edmonton was to host the UN Global Youth Assembly 2007! But indeed we are, and I am so excited that it is right in town! It started today, but unfortunately I couldn't attend today's session because work was busy. I really really wanted to hear Kim Phuc speak, she was made famous by the picture during Vietnam War which snapped right at the moment she was burning and naked. But our staff meeting went on longer, and it was a busy day at work so I couldn't quite leave. I am going to be attending all day tomorrow, and half day on Friday and all day Saturday. It is neat because I am an ambassador for Telus in this event.
Sorry for the lack of blogging, but life has had quite a turn since I graduated and started working. Change is the word. Everything has changed, and I find myself somewhat having to transition to a new stage in life. And although I am happy with where I am in life, I have absolutely no "plan" after a year. It is quite funny because although it is so liberating to be able to do what I want to do, the future looks fuzzy. Blurry the sky is, but I know there are many things I could do, and the option lies wide open. We will see where the path of my life goes...