Friday, January 13, 2006

Where are we heading?

Have I ever told you that Business School is scary? Well, if I haven't, I'll tell you now: Business School is scary! It's still the first week of semester, not to mention a Friday afternoon, and here I was walking in the Winspear Library to read newspapers, and what is everyone in library doing? They are doing hard core studying with hands to their temples concentrating on reading their text, while some worked on their laptop. Scary.

The first article which caught my eye today was the Liberal commissioned study done on the possibility of decriminalizing polygamy and enshrining polygamous rights (as a marriage contract possibly) in the law. Now, call me conservative, but the whole same sex marriage law legislated by Parliament still has a bad after taste, and now another law on polygamous marriage? What is the world coming down to? I just don't know. I am no polygamous hater, after all it is practiced by many religions and some parts of the world today. Islam is one such religion who practices it, however, a man can only take another wife IF and ONLY IF he can treat the other wife in the same manner that he treats the current one. So, although the Islam law permits one to take up as many as four wives, he has to treat all four wives equally. Now, is it possible for a man to treat one woman EQUALLY as the other in all aspects? A feminist Muslim would tell you that the answer is no, and that this polygamous practice was done in a day when men went to war, and there was a huge disparity between the ratio of men and women. So ta da, it was good for women to be taken care of by men (and protected) and thus came this practice.

In today's perspective though, I just don't know how one can justify a polygamous marriage. This is the second time I've said it, but if there is anything I respect about Stephen Harper at all, it is his bold belief and political front on the traditional meaning of marriage: between a man and woman. This platform of his has caused much controversy especially when dealing with the constitutional rights of a homosexual person. However, what one thinks is the truth must be said out loud. And, that is where the Conservatives differ with all the other parties in their stance on moral values.

You, as a Canadian, will decide where this country is going in terms of moral values.


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