Friday, January 06, 2006

Conservatives at the lead?

This is incredible. The Conservatives are leading at 36.2% as of the latest pollster done on January 3rd and 4th. The Liberals are lagging behind with 30.4%. Would it be possible that the Conservatives might really garner enough support for a minority government this time round? Stephen Harper have even hinted that if a Conservative minority government happens, he may be working with the NDP a little bit to keep his power.

You know...though the NDP is the third most important opposition party in Canada and may not form government in the near future, they do have a lot of power. Their power does not lie in the glamorous side of having Jack Layton as the Prime Minister or forming Cabinet; but their power lie in the fact that a minority Conservative or Liberal government need their votes in the House of Commons. So, for the reigning minority party to keep power, their bills need to be passed in Parliament and thus they turn to the NDP. This way, the NDP has a lot of bargaining power as how we last seen Martin yielded to many of Layton's utmost desires.

Politics work in such a weird way, eh. A Liberal or Conservative minority government would flirt with the NDP and yes, the NDP would take the most out of it to get the important bills they want passed in Parliament.

The Conclusion?

A minority Liberal or Conservative government will have a touch of socialism in them as when the winning party court the NDP to stay in power.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grace, your comments reminded me of something I saw on the Rick Mercer Report. Go to and click on "Yaakov Layton" in the "Top videos of the season" section.

1:50 PM  
Blogger Grace said...

Hi Alex,

Hahaha, that is a funny clip!!
Thanks for sharing.

7:54 PM  

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