Monday, December 26, 2005

Never once drunk

We had a really good Christmas Dinner here yesterday. My aunt's friend, Bobi is just such a good cook, and she spoilt us with yummy salmon and cream cheese spread appetizer and a traditional turkey dinner. There were lots of drinking throughout the dinner, and a lot of laughter at the "kids table." You see, the "old" people sat at the main table and the young adults at another...I think we were way louder than the adults.

I had some to drink, possibly 5 glasses of Bacardi with Coke...but really, it didn't have much effect on me. Sure, I felt a little high, dizzy, sleepy and happy (I think I was loud too, but then again, I'm not sure)...but no, I definitely wasn't drunk. What was worse was that I've been having insomnia all week and I thought the alcohol would definitely put me to sleep. Sighs, to no avail...I woke up about 3am and found it hard to sleep. Weird, ain't it. Maybe I really do have a high tolerance for alcohol...and maybe I should get drunk so I'll get a good night sleep soon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...



And maybe lay off the coffee... it can't be good for you :P

4:29 PM  
Blogger Grace said...

dude...if I don't get a good night's sleep, I feel horrible in the morning and I NEED MY COFFEE, otherwise I can't function!

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

eh! don't get drunk...u'll regret it. say things u dun mean to say, do things u dun mean to do. you'll wake up puking and with a splitting headache. and to top all of that off, you won't remember the night before.

of course, i've never tried it :P :)

7:11 PM  

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