Thursday, September 15, 2005


Sexuality and Homosexuality.

Okay, you know how we've always discussed about homosexuality, read about it, gossipped about some people whom we think are (ok, I hear the gossips, I don't initiate them) and try to make out why people are homosexual? I finally met a person who openly, unashamely admits that she is a lesbian. And what was my reaction? Well, I didn't have one. I didn't flinch, or had a heart attack due to the shock. It just seemed like I was having one of the most natural conversations you could have. Afterall, she is a normal feminist person (like me) but so happens her sexual preference is of the same sex.

If you knew me two years ago, I would have screamed! But well, since coming to the land of cold Canada, I've become quite desensitized on the homosexuality issue. There has been so much debate on the same sex marriage issue in Canada in the last two years that yeah, you just get used to the idea that it does exist, and the numbers are on the increase. Canada is the third country in the world to enact the same sex marriage law - this summer, after much drama unfolded in the political scene. The House of Commons nearly came tumbling down this summer on this issue when it was to be voted as a 'confidence matter' in which if this bill failed, the Parliament will most probably dissolve and elections called. But no, sadly, this bill won by a 158-133 margin in the House of Commons, and went through easily in the Senate. I was quite saddened by the news, because a marriage is now not defined as one between a man and a woman, but of any sex. There's a lot of implications in this matter I feel; legally, socially, and in religion. As soon as the first men-couple got married in one of the provinces(when it became legal in that province, before it became the national law), they wanted to get a divorce soon after. But guess what, there's no law to divorce same sex couples it was quite a complication! Then there's all these protests by religious groups, angry at how it is an attack against their rights in the definition of marriage. At the end, everyone is fighting for their 'rights.' Sighs...

I guess after all this chaos revolving around this issue, I have become more tolerant of the idea of homosexuals. I say tolerant and not accepting. Because of my personal beliefs, I cannot agree with homosexual acts.

I used to think it in a nature vs nurture dichotomy with nurture being its cause. But as I gain more knowledge in this matter, although there is yet substantial evidence in science stating that it is due to the DNA, who am I to say that it is not possible? It could be, I don't know. So, I tend to think now that it might be many factors at play; upbringing, society, family, decision, and perhaps genetics.

Afterall, homosexuality is not something new. The Bible mentioned that early on in the Old Testament in Sodom and Gomorrah. This is about 2100BC. In Genesis Chapter 19, it writes that two angels arrived at Sodom and the men there wanted to have sex with these two angels. No candy for those guessing where the word sodomise originated from.

But the breakthrough for me that it might be partly genetic is in Romans 1:18-32.

Romans 1:24
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another.

When I read that, I could hardly believe it. But again, anything is possible since there are many things in life which is a temptation. Homosexuality and homosexual relations can itself be a temptation in life.

Therefore, there is no need to condemn a homosexual person, I feel. Everyone faces temptation, and sins. I've always maintained a mentality of loving the person and at the same time gently-and-boldly standing up for what we believe that yes, homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of God. Of course, that is if we actually have a relatively close friendship with a person of that orientation.

As for the girl whom I just met who has been living with her partner for seven years, I hope she will experience God's grace. I pray so.


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