Thursday, November 03, 2005


Finally the fasting month of Ramadan has come to an end, ushering Muslims into the festive season of Aidilfitri. Though I'm not a Muslim, it has always been one of my favourite holiday seasons as there's just so much to eat during this festivity! I miss going to Dhalia's yearly kenduris (open house) where me and my Malay friends would have so much fun eating and chattering. Miss those girly ol days just teasing one another about guys and all. Hahahaha.

Can't remember if I ever got duit raya (Hari Raya's gift of $$ from the elderly) from her parents, but it was always fun to go, and especially since I don't have many Malay traditional clothes - baju kurung/baju kebaya, I always had to hunt for one when going for Malay traditional events. Always did like wearing the baju kurung. It made me feel that though we're of different race; me being a Chinese and them being Malay, there's a cultural understanding which binds us to be purely Malaysians.

Well, anyways, those are reminiscience of the past. I miss my Malay girlfriends and the yummy Malay food! To my dear Malay friends: Dalia, Dhalia, Liyana, Thaju, Nisa and all my Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!


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