Thursday, October 04, 2007

An International Development dude

I left nearing 7pm today from office. Don't get me wrong, I usually don't leave quite that late but today was just a busy day and I couldn't get much done with all the meetings that I had. I was waiting at the bus stop for quite a bit before a dude appeared and sat beside me on the bench waiting for bus #6.

I was oblivious of him really. My mind was flying towards what I would be doing in my next five waking hours. Then, out of the blue, he asked, "Who are you voting for?" I was taken aback, given the question that was asked in a very non-political-conscious community. Don't get me wrong, I know young people who are interested in politics, but when talking about municipal politics, very few pay attention, if they know what is happening at all. As shocked as I was, I answered that I couldn't vote. Our conversation floated from politics to many others. I found out that he is an international development student in Ontario and is currently working with a local magazine writing on world issues. It is quite refreshing meeting someone who speaks the same lingo as I do, who cares as much about the world, who wants to make a difference but yet still so young and so simply human.

Just as he asked where I was heading, I almost forgot that the next stop is mine (to the grocery). As I said that, I sensed a disappointed expression swept over his face. At that moment, I wondered again about the possibility of meeting a random friend, or a random potential "guy" in such situations. See, I've always been in the "Joshua Harris's" camp of "no dating" but "courting" when attempting a romantic relationship. See, what I realized since I have graduated from University is that you don't quite meet as many guys in the workforce as you would when you were in University. So, if you don't get to meet people, how do you ever meet anyone at all that you would be interested in, interested in such a manner to "court" them. So, this has really make me rethink my past ideal thoughts on dating. What do you think? Is it possible to meet people as randomly as on the bus, and to somehow be open minded enough to embrace possibilities like that?

I think I am beginning to become more "open minded" that way -- to think of meeting a guy outside the box, outside the conventional ideal setting, because our world has changed so much.

I don't forsee meeting the international development dude again, unless he runs for politics someday. I kinda told him that before I left the bus -- perhaps I'll see you in the news when you run :) We will see. But my dear readers, don't hold your breath for too long...


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