Monday, October 01, 2007

Fall is almost over.

Fall is my favourite season! Since my first encounter with the marvelous beauty of autumn four years ago, it has taken a special place in my heart. I find it just so pretty -- the golden yellow leaves embracing the very path I walk on daily. Sadly, fall is almost gone this year and I have yet to go out armed with a camera to frame its colours. Perhaps nature would be kind enough to delay a lil so I can try to go out this long weekend to just walk quietly by River Valley and take a few shots.

Life has been busy and to my amazement, October is here. I celebrated my birthday in September, so I am supposedly older and wiser now. It is true that the last couple of months has been quite a transition period for me; graduated from University and working. Adulthood also comes with more responsibilities, and many questions of the future is starting to pop up now. Deciding how to spend my waking hours apart from work also has taken an important part in my life, for time is scarce. It is only fair to say that God, ultimately is the reason I wake up daily -- He is the source of life for me. That, is evident in my life, but the question really is about the small lil details of how to spend my time and life. I have yet to find tangible answers, but I know my passion is in wanting to help humanity, in whatever way that may seem. I hope my dad is not reading my blog since it has been emptied for quite a bit, but I am kinda thinking of going to Africa after my work contract ends, if I choose not to renew it. Why Africa? I have no idea, but God has put a burden into my heart for Africa recenty (maybe since Jan 2007) and I have a couple of contact there now. I dunno, maybe I just feel like I want to spend time with those who are really in need, and not just crunching numbers for a living (though the job is pretty fulfilling too, but the gap to those I am trying to help is kinda big). But that is just a small thought, for all I know, I might continue being in a social enterprise, start one, work in a corporation, work in an NGO, do volunteer work etc. I have absolutely no idea but I am open to opportunities in life to learn, and serve people. Or I might go back home. Home -- hmm.

Anyways, I am not sure how I ended up blabbing about Fall etc., because when I thought of blogging today, I wanted to put something specific on. And that something specific triggered yesterday when I was reading this book "Me to We" by Kielburger. In the book, the author asked the reader to guess which country is the "happiest" in the whole wide world. Coincidentally, I actually knew the answer because I took a course last Winter where I heard about the research findings.

The winner? Nigeria. Researchers found that Nigeria has the highest percentage of self-identified happy people, followed by Mexico, Venezuela, and El Salvador. United States comes in number sixteen.

That, is some food for thought. Another question which begs to be asked, is 'What is happiness?'


Blogger Alex said...

For a country, happiness is having the third largest movie industry in the world. (Nigerian movies are pretty popular in Africa.) First or second just won't do. Neither will fourth, and five is completely out.

More seriously, did you hear that Alberta has the highest rates of depression in Canada?

Anyway, it's good to see you blogging again. I've missed reading your stuff. (And did Telus ever put that stuff about you in the newspaper?)

11:04 PM  
Blogger Grace said...

I can't believe that people still read my blog! I was surprised when gmail indicated "I've got comment" on my blog!! Thanks for reading, now at least I feel that at least one person still reads :)

Telus has been editing the ad...we will see when it rolls out in the newspaper.

AB has the highest rates of depression?! That is bad news!!!

11:23 PM  
Blogger Joli said...

Hi Grace!! Of course people still read your blog! It's next best to talking to you! Anyways, I do believe that Alberta has the highest rates of depression in Canada. You see, the sun gives us vitamin D, which not only helps in sleeping, but also in being happy. But since Albertan winters are sooooo long, we don't get that sun for a long time, and we get depressed.

Oh, and about Africa... It is really funny, because I have started being really attracted to Africa since September. Every time I think of Africa, or hear about it (such as in my immunology section of physiology), I feel really emotional. I think I might go there one day... But before you move to Africa, make sure you plane makes a stop in Montreal, and we'll chat!!!

5:02 PM  

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