Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Is it bad luck?

I had trouble falling asleep last night after learning about the unfortunate event with my family's arrangements to fly back to Malaysia. Looking at the amount of negative events that happened recently to my family, I guess one could generally say, "'s just pure bad luck!" It would be an easy scape goat I blame it on bad luck. But again, what exactly is luck? Just superstition? It is quite baseless really, which no logical explanation can argue for. For me, bad luck is just a saying...the reality is that negative and unfortunate events do happen in life sometimes due to our own decisions and sometimes not at all.

Life spins, like the tea bag does if you hold it long enough to realize...but at the end of the day, the tea bag's movement slows down though it doesn't completely come to a halt. That is the reality in life, and we just have to try to cope with painful circumstances, though it certainly is hard to make sense of.

On another note, it's snowing sooooooooooo heavily here in the land of Alberta! I woke up, prettied myself to go to University and stepped out of house into a mass-land (though one can't see any land) filled with two feet snow! Yeah, I haven't shovelled the sidewalks and my pathway yet, so it was kind of like making my way in heaps and heaps of snow! I love snow, don't get me wrong, especially so it's so beautiful outside (shall get some pictures tomorrow maybe) but I walked out of my house with pretty hair...for once my hair was actually in excellent condition, which is a rarity. And then...the snowfall ruined it all! Sighs...


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